Made in Germany – Made in Bavaria
prüfbau was found as a one-man-business by the prospective scientist and researcher Dr.-Ing. Herbert Dürner, Pähl, München.

Product placement of new, very successful testing instruments for investigating graphic products. The first generation of the prüfbau multi purpose printing test machine enables completely new developments in ink- and substrate production.

Move to Peissenberg and construction of a new, modern facility with research laboratories.
An approx. 10.000 sqm wide property was purchased to give to the fast growing family business new development potentialities. The company settled in Peissenberg and a new production facility was constructed.
Equipped with latest laboratories and divisions for research and development pruefbau’s activities could be further expanded. International success and the supply of products for universities, e. g. in America, Russia (Moscow), Asia and European countries showed the high technological state.

1972, year of Olympic games
Using prüfbau products enables the development of new offset printing systems. The product range encompasses more than 20 different testing and measuring systems. First photometric measuring devices can be presented. Prototypes of densitometers “Minidens” and “Multidens” – later on delivered in high lot sizes – can be offered.
The supply of different security paper printers requires new efforts.

International bulk orders
By high product quality and elsewhere not reached technological standard the company can accept and realise first bulk orders from security printers.
prüfbau delivers special printing units and the application technology for security features. Optical measuring devices for IR-spectrometry and further measuring techniques are being presented. In cooperation with producers of pigments new mixtures for the production of security paper can be developed.
It succeeds to become a strategic development partner of some international concerns.

DRUPA 1980
The company shows at DRUPA automatic ink tack measuring systems, the automatically proceeding “Viskomat”, an inspection system for stamps and security prints, the further development of the printing testing machine series, the new generation of rotogravure printing testing machines and a new laboratory coating machine including a laboratory calender.
New humidity measuring devices for all industrial applications with a multiplicity of sensors for the challenging industrial use can be introduced. A special procedure for testing the rub-off-resistance of personal documents and passports as well as a special surface treatment construction for the coating of synthetic material are sold for the first time.
A printing unit for spot varnishing in security document production can be showed. A printing testing device for smallest format steel engraved rotogravure prints can be presented. Top layer- and board testing devices, a new generation of contact angle measuring systems as well as the new “Rußometer”, a measuring device for the determination of the soot number are of big note.

New company structure
The company prepares a new structure to come up to the increase. Some divisions of the business, immovable and sites belong to the private prüfbau Holding, a small part is transferred to the new prüfbau GmbH. It is decided – as until now – to develop and produce possibly all required components by itself.
A series of CNC-machines are purchased to increase the productivity. Development capacities in electronic production are increased.

Innovative Developments
Development of an own programming system for controlling complex machines and devices. First trials for evaluating test- and production prints using software based image analysis system. Essential extension of a new CNC-fabrication for the assembly of products. Extension of the electronic development. Introduction of a new QM-System and laboratories for the assurance of product quality. The company receives numerous mentions for highest product quality.
prüfbau provides worldwide clients in graphic, pharmaceutical, medical and chemical Industry as well as producers of substrates and synthetic material. The company is system supplier and strategic partner for banknote- and security printers, service provider for development and delivers fine mechanical components and modules as „OEM“.
An optical laboratory for the investigation of surface properties is established using holographic effects. First – on market place available – lasers are established. Despite of first tendencies of “outsourcing” the family establishment insists in in-house-production-depth and is able to fulfil the whole product chain from product idea, construction, production and sales by itself.

Technological Basis
The family establishment extends the technological basis and is furthermore able to cooperate with well-respected universities in research and development. Participations are strategically realized by prüfbau Holding, a wide portfolio of immovable, a high free capital enables the self-financing of considerable development projects. prüfbau products are furthermore and worldwide accredited by associations, institutions and organisations.
prüfbau delivers machines and devices for the production of holographic security features for German passports as well as worldwide testing equipment for nearly all security printers, reading devices, UV-systems for embossing. prüfbau is development partner for the production of photo initiators and producer for the automatic application of security labels and further secret products.
The further development of the prüfbau analysis software Print Target and Vision Target, the automatic register control of special printing machines in flexo- and digital printing is the basis of future products. Nano particles shall be automatically applied on glass substrates. A test bench for optical wave-guides is constructed; a measuring device for UV-power/exposition in print- and print converting machines is developed.

First prototypes for printing electronic pastes and fluids are presented. It succeeds to print electronic elements on different substrates and materials. The function of an antenna – printed in laboratory scale – can be proofed in a project. A new printing unit fulfils the necessary technical requirements. A printed switch for push buttons in a motor vehicle is developed. prüfbau offers support for the development of suitable media and substrates.
The product portfolio is extended; more than 80 different devices and special purpose machines are provided.
The family establishment disposes of an own, modern mechanical, electronic and optoelectronic production. Some hundred employees in different sites account essentially for the company’s success.

Growing possibilities in graphic industry, media networking, chances of 3D-applications, digital printing, printed electronics, analytics, automation and the to date complete independence of banks and outside financing allows a further extension of technological demands and engineering.
First prototypes of a new printing test machine for digital printing are promising, holographic applications in security- and automotive sector as well as image analysis, prüfbau software solutions and special machine constructions are becoming a strong basis for growth.

DRUPA 2016
The change in the print media world presents itself particularly at Drupa 2016. prüfbau introduces new products, e. g. a new version of the evaluation software prüfbau Print Target, a new stand-alone printing test machine for inkjet digital printing and a version which can be integrated into an existing system, and more.